Independence Day

The Independence Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm by The Chairman, Board of Trustees Shri S. V. Ramarao, President, Secretary, Management Committee Members, Headmistress, Heads of various sections, teaching non-teaching staff and few students of the school. AES Ground and hall were decorated them with tri colour flowers and ribbons. Shri S. V. Ramarao was the chief guest and hoisted the flag and the national anthem was played.
Later, students presented patriotic songs and poems. There were speeches by students, teachers and the chief guest. There was a feeling of pride and patriotism in everyone’s heart. The program was concluded with a vote of thanks.


Independence Day 2022

Independence Day 2022

Independence Day 2022

Independence Day 2022

Independence Day 2022

Independence Day 2022

Independence Day 2022

Independence Day 2022