About Us!

A sapling by the name ā€œTHE ANDHRA EDUCATION SOCIETY (AES)ā€ planted in the year 1943 has since grown to a larger tree and spread its shade to many students. The school opened by the Founder Father, Late Shri. Patruni Venkata Narayana on 15th August 1946 in a small flat with one teacher and nine students, today is providing education to over Four Thousand Students. Over the years, AES has created excellent infrastructural facilities in terms of building, furniture & fixtures, new generation computers, a library, a gymnasium and other amenities. Many large hearted Philanthropists, Donors and well wishers contributed significantly for this overall growth of AES. The mission of the founders being, providing education to the needy, the Institution never resorted to any compelling monetary collection drive from students. The selfless dedicated services and guidance rendered by several distinguished personalities on a continuous basis help the management for smooth functioning of the affairs of the society. The vision and endeavour of AES is to setup a degree college at the earliest possible to benefit the students. However, today education has changed dramatically from the traditional perception and has become more techno-savvy. The technology made the world ā€œa Global villageā€ and thus students have to change their mindset and focus more in learning to become successful. The teachers efforts also need to evolve around students to make their dreams come true. AES, has been continuously registering increased academic results year after year. In the preceding year 2010-11 AES, achieved the result of 97.86 % in H.S.C. and 93.76% in S.S.C. examination. Such an achievement year after year by the students is made possible with the commitment, dedication and involvement of the entire teaching faculty, of whom the institution is proud of !!