Maharashtra Day 2023

On 1st May, Maharashtra Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and patriotism in the Andhra Education Society’s hall. Staff members from pre-primary to junior college actively participated in the event and made it a grand success. The celebrations included performances such as lezim dance, speeches, and patriotic songs in Marathi language. The campus was beautifully decorated with rangolis, and some staff members presented the cultural essence of Maharashtra by wearing traditional attire. The event was a true celebration of Maharashtra’s culture and traditions, and it was heartening to see everyone come together to make it a success.


Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023

Maharashtra Day 2023