For about 74 years AES has been doing great service to Telugu and other communities in Mumbai by providing Vidya Danam (donating education) and Anna Danam (food donation). In the current lockdown situation due to Covid-19, many daily wage workers have been left jobless. In addition, with all the restaurants and food vending stalls being closed down, the poor and the underprivileged are most affected. Hence, our Management recognised food donation as the need of the hour and started an initiative from our school canteen on 2nd April 2020 whereby food was prepared and distributed to the needy and government agencies like BMC, Police department, cleaning staff, etc. We hope to continue this initiative till 3rd May 2020.

The major challenge here is to help the needy without exposing any of our staff to the infection. Hence, the distribution of food is done through few representatives from school, the Police department and the BMC, thereby avoiding crowd formations in and around the school. We are also enforcing social distancing and other hygiene measures in preparation and distribution of food.

Shri B. Rammohanrao, Hon. President and Shri A.S. R.Krishnaprasad, Hon. Gen. Secretary, Shri K. Purushotham Reddy, Supervisor, Jr. College were personally present in the school from the very first day to supervise the entire arrangement along with canteen staff and Peons. A. Srinu, G. Srinu, K. Ramalu, S. Krishna, A.Nagaraju and Naresh.